Title: Old King Mouse Author: Lys Characters/Pairing: Kon, Kurosaki Isshin Rating/Warnings: PG-13 (consumption of alcohol), Gen, spoilers to anime current. Theme: #6, To Protect
Title: Chiaroscuro Author: Lys Characters/Pairing: [Shirosaki Ogichi]Kon/Kurosaki Ichigo Rating/Warnings: NC-17, yaoi with no actual (strictly-defined) sex. ust? general warning for psychological content. Theme: #2, Black and White
Title: I Tell Ya What, Man (Bookmark, Part 2/2?) Author: Lys Characters/Pairing: Ishida Uryuu/Kon Rating/Warnings: NC-17. Theme: #3, The Rain
I had originally intended genfic for this theme, but this is what I ended up with to kill two birds with one stone. omg peer bleachpressure. I'll probably switch the genfic to another theme.
Title: Golden Pheasant Stands On One Leg Author: Lys Characters/Pairing: Kon, Yuzu Rating/Warnings: Gen, PG, waff, mild spoilers until anime current. Theme: #7, Learning